LS SANTOS, a law and mediation firm based in Barcelona, was created with a view to solving clients' problems with the utmost professionalism, seeking to provide the widest range of possible solutions to their problems in a constant search for perfection.

Since opening, we have prided ourselves and gained a reputation for ongoing attention and constant monitoring of the case until its resolution.

Most of our loyal clients come from recommendations given by initial clients. Many of them belong to the private sector, both small and medium companies, and operate in a range of fields, including telecommunications, civil and naval construction, maritime transport, insurance, graphic art and advertising, textiles, industrial engineering, wholesale and retail, and hospitality, among others.

Thanks to their confidence in the firm, clients also come to us with cases of a personal nature, as we also boast extensive experience in legal services for private individuals.

We invite you to trust us,

Laura Santos Lozano

Lawyer and Mediator


Better than the man who knows what is right is the man who loves what is right.

Confucio (551 AC-478 AC) Chinese philosopher.

LS-SANTOS ABOGADOS & MEDIADORES  Paseo de Gracia, nº 12, 1º (08007) Barcelona  Phone: 93 492 03 74 Fax: 93 492 03 51

© 2015 LS Santos Abogados & Mediadores. All rights reserved. LEGAL NOTE